Drago Canarias, the political party with two councilors in the City Council of La Laguna, has stated this Monday that the expected governmental pact between the Spanish Socialist Workers' Party (PSOE) and the Coalition Canaries (CC) is "the chronicle of a announced deception".
In a statement published on social media, they point out that since 1983, two parties, PSOE and Coalition Canaries, have governed in the Canary Islands, with different support in different legislatures "but the strategic line has always been the same, with noticeable consequences".
Thus, they argue that "in elections, the PSOE promotes itself as a force for change, progressive, that will do things differently" but ultimately, "year after year, election after election", deception prevails.
The party led by Alberto Rodríguez states that on May 28th, the socialists were the most voted party in La Laguna and the citizens "offered the possibility of a broad agreement" with Drago Verdes and Unidas se Puede "that would allow tackling the serious problems of the municipality: housing, mobility, the state of public services, poverty, and exclusion".
In this regard, they indicate that "many well-intentioned people who voted for the PSOE on May 28th are probably not happy with their pact with the Coalition Canaries" because between regulating rental prices or more of the same, they chose more of the same."
Drago Canarias states that they will continue working to ensure that "the real problems of tens of thousands of Canarians are heard from the institutions".
"That is what Drago Verdes Canarias brought to the table from the first minute and that is what we will continue to do," they say.
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